He comes in golden splendor; around God is awesome majesty. Job 37:22

The word aura refers to the luminous radiance or quality that surrounds or emanates from something or someone.
The Bible declares that “God’s glory covers the heavens, and the earth is full of His praise. His radiance is like the sunlight.” (Habakkuk 3:3-4) The Bible also states that He is “like a jasper stone (an opaque quartz usually red, yellow, brown or green in color) and a sardius (deep orange-red) in appearance.” (Revelation 4:3) “The appearance of His loins and upward is like glowing metal that looked like fire all around within it, and from the appearance of His loins and downward is like fire.” (Ezekial 1.27)
The Bible further states that “His head and His hair are white like white wool, like snow; and His eyes are like a flame of fire. His feet are like burnished bronze, when it has been made to glow in a furnace, and His voice is like the sound of many waters.” (Revelation 1:13-15)
The appearance of God is like a palette of infinite light and intense color combinations creating an aura of luminous radiance. This radiance is visible in nature, however its intensity has been deminished due to the corrupting effects of sin. Even so, the Creator’s “golden splender” and luminous radiance is on display throughout the universe.
The golden glow of an early morning sunrise or an October sunset are a window through which we may obtain a glimpse into the beautiful mind of the One who daily paints the sky with His creative brush. The radiance of autumn leaves, precious stones, petrified wood, animals and on and on, are all reflections of the awesome Creator.
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