To this man will I look: To him that is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word. Isaiah 66:2

James Ussher (1581–1656) was born in Ireland, entered Trinity College at the age of 13, received a Bachelor of Arts degree at 17, ordained at Trinity College as a deacon at 21, became Chancellor of St Patrick’s Cathedral at 24, became Professor of Theological Controversies at Trinity College and received a Bachelor of Divinity at 26, received a Doctor of Divinity degree at 31, and became Vice-Chancellor of Trinity College at 34. At 38 James Ussher traveled to England for two years during which time he met with King James I. Ussher became a national figure in Ireland and at 44 was nominated as the Irish Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland. He remained in this position until his death.
James Ussher was an educated scholar, historian and collector of manuscripts. He believed in a literal interpretation of Scripture and the accuracy of the Biblical chronological record. He also understood that recorded human history dated to approximately 4,000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Utilizing the accumulative written records available to him, he developed one of the most impressive chronological records of human history the world has ever known. His primary work The Annals of the World was completed two years before his death.
The Annals of the World is not only a compilation of Biblical historical records, but also utilizes the records of other ancient historians and chroniclers. Individuals such as Josephus, Isocrates, Ptolemy, Tertullian, Pliny and many others. Entires are thoroughly referenced and footnoted with their corresponding date in Anno Mundi (Years of the world from creation), Julian Period, Before Christ and After Christ. The Annals of the World places the beginning of creation 4004 years (BC) Before Christ.
With the advent of modern geology in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s, James Ussher’s creation date of 4004 BC increasingly became the oject of derision and mockery. The one two punch of uniformitarianism and evolution effectively destroyed his underlying reliance on Scripture and the historical record of human history for dating the beginning of time.
Examples of Derision and Mockery:
“The Naive View that creation was effected in one ordinary week about 4,000 BC is shakey on hermeneutical grounds and absurd on scientific grounds.” – Unger’s Bible Dictionary
“Imagine being remembered for the most stupid thing you ever said. And I mean “remembered“: three centuries later, people would still be mocking you. That is the pathetic legacy of James Ussher.” –

The grass withers, the flower fades: but the word of our God shall stand forever. (Isaiah 40:8)