I will lift my eyes unto the mountains, from where shall my help come?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2

Black & white images bring us back to a different era. A time when life was not as complicated. There was an innocence and a refreshing simplicity to day to day life. The black & white photograph reflects these qualities. It is clean and simple with only highlights and shadows, allowing the viewer to focus on the story within the image.
Black & white photography dates to the early 1800’s. The oldest surviving image formed by a camera was created in approximately 1827. In the late 1800’s George Eastman developed photo imaging film and in February 1900 the Kodak Brownie camera became available, thereby significantly increasing the popularity of photography.
Attempts at color photographs dates to the middle 1800’s with very limited success. It wasn’t until 1935, with the development of Kodachrome, that a new era in color photography began.
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