A photograph frequently tells a story, and whether it is realized or not, a photograph of nature tells the Creator’s story and gives a glimpse into the infinite depths of His personality and character. The Psalms declare the God of Scripture to be “the perfection of beauty,” and that His “glory is above all the earth.” Therefore the natural world, even in its imperfect state, is encapsulated with incredible creativity, abundant color, intricate detail and masterful design, all reflecting its intelligent Designer.
We are living at an historic moment in history. There are advanced telescopes peering into the endless depths of space, powerful microscopes reaching into the deep recesses of the unseen, and complex photographic equipment capturing stunningly detailed images of nature. All humanity should declare with the Psalmist: “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Thy name in all the earth.” But unfortunately, the more that is seen and known, the more the reality of the true Creator is rejected by far too many. It does not have to be this way. You are encouraged to view nature in the way intended: As a reflection of its awesome Creator.

Exploring God’s created beauty makes life a great adventure!